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Image by Artem Beliaikin

Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia, what is it?


Introducing the Project and Eating Disorders and Body dysmorphia. Going into detail about the different types of Eating Disorders.

Sports, Psychology, EDs and Body Dysmorphia


Chat about connection between sports and psychology to ED’s and Body Dysmorphia with special guest, Manal Mohammad Shamsuddin, 10th Grade project lead.

Body Dysmorphia and more


Exploring what BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) is. 

Defining your own beauty.


A talk about body positivity and body image. Say goodbye to your inner critic and take this pledge to be kinder to yourself and others.

Reject, Resist, Refuse.


A talk about toxic diet culture and how to reject, resist and refuse it. Diet culture, rejecting it.

What is it like


A talk about what it is like to have an Eating Disorder. Some facts may astonish you.

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The MyBody Project By Rhea Chopra

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